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To initialize eklase you need to use a constructor. Learn more about them here


  1. Import the package
const EKlase = require("eklase").default // CommonJS
import EKlase from "eklase" // ES6 and TypeScript
  1. Create a const with the construcotr and pass in a username & password.
const EKlase = require("eklase").default // CommonJS
import EKlase from "eklase" // ES6 and TypeScript

let eklase = new EKlase("USERNAME", "PASSWORD")

Now you're done, hooray!

Authorisation flow

The way E-Klase handles auth is when you send a POST request for login, E-Klase will put the auth cookie in the Set-Cookie header of the 302 page.

An example of the POST request is:

POST /?v=15 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Connection: close
Content-Length: 46

Authorisation changes between v1 and v2


In v1 of eklase authorisation was handled on initialisation, and because of that the keepAlive optional parameter was added as the session expires after a while. Alongside that, if the user were to log into E-Klase themselves, the session would get deleted as E-Klase operates on a one-session-at-a-time basis.


In v2 of eklase authorisation is handled by each function every time they get invoked, which ensures that old sessions and other logins are no longer a problem. With this system the function latency will increase a bit, but the added benefits well outweigh the benefits.