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This version is pre-release (v0.x.x), so breaking changes may happen. If such changes happen, existing docs will be rewritten with no traces of the old version. Release version will be v1.x.x.

cf-imap is an IMAPv4 library for use within the Cloudflare Workers platform.

This package was made because all of the other IMAP libraries are built for NodeJS, and Cloudflare Workers even with node compatibility turned does not support them.

Provider support

Most providers stick to the two IMAP specifications (RFC 3501 and RFC 9051), however some (notably Gmail with gimap) have their own experimental implementations. This package is tested with a few providers that abide by the spec and, of course, Gmail.

However, if the provider you are using isn't tested, uses their own implementation of IMAP and cf-imap is throwing errors on things that should work (see: Errors), please raise an issue on GitHub so I can promptly fix it.


As this version is pre-release it does not have all of the intended features. This section will keep track of the existing and planned features, however Github Projects will generally be more accurate (titles are in English, however everything else might be in Latvian).