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To initialise you will use a constructor to feed your username and password, then use a function created by the constructor


  1. Import the package
const EKlaseWrapper = require("eklase")
  1. Create a const with the constructor and pass in a username & password
const EKlaseWrapper = require("eklase")

const wrapper = new EKlaseWrapper("USERNAME", "PASSWORD")
  1. Authenticate
const EKlaseWrapper = require("eklase")

const wrapper = new EKlaseWrapper("USERNAME", "PASSWORD")

await wrapper.initialize() // Use in an async function, or top level if you have type: module

Now you're done, hooray!

Authorisation flow

The way E-Klase handles auth is by sending a POST request to login, then storing the cookie in the responses Set-Cookie header and using it for any future requests.

An example of the POST request is:

POST /?v=15 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Connection: close
Content-Length: 46


This package does exactly that for auth, but server-side :)